TEKreset Consulting
Analyze, act and automate on data to digitally transform your organization
Our Approach
Put the right data, at the right time, in right format, in front of right people, to enable better decisions.
Right Data (Connect)
We identify, connect, and extract data from hundreds of on-premise and cloud-based systems, including; marketing, sales, service, finance, operations, workforce and others.
Right Time (Automate)
Data refreshes are designed to meet your information needs; everything from real-time, a few times a day, once a day, to very rarely.
Right Format (Visualize)
We build operational dashboards to make work easier, analytical dashboards to spot trends, and strategic dashboards to access the overall health of an organization.
Right People (Share)
Some information is OK for everybody to see, while other is meant for a select group of individuals. We design security around your business requirements.